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Monday, August 29, 2011 A Tool You Cannot Overlook

Recently, a friend of mine introduced me to a Web site - a powerful tool, really - called . This is really cool stuff, to say the least. Visit , and you'll see for yourself how neat this is.

In a nutshell, allows you to create a daily online newspaper that is fully automated - for free. The system finds content such as newspaper articles, blog posts, videos, and other forms of multimedia based on hashtags and keywords you select from Twitter and Facebook.

You can link your online newspaper to either your Twitter or Facebook account so that an automatic status update informs your followers or friends when that day's edition is out. Additionally, visitors to your online newspaper can also subscribe to it by e-mail, in which case they will receive an e-mail every day that tells them the new edition is out.

What I just gave you is a very brief synopsis. There are more features, such as the abilities to give your paper whatever title you choose and write a customized blurb, with links to your Web site (s) if you wish, that will be seen in a prominent location on the home page ("Headlines") of your paper. But this is essentially the gist of how it works.

It's another great online tool that can help your business tap into a wider audience and potentially develop a loyal following. So check it out today!

Our two papers are The Milwaukee Networker and Online Marketing Strategies.

--Aaron Robertson, president, Intrepid Innovations Inc.


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