Many people have heard of guerrilla warfare, which involves waging war using unconventional means. In the same breath, guerrilla marketing is getting your message across using unconventional means. Some of these methods are quite mild but some border on the offensive. Another thing you should note is just like guerrilla warfare, which was normally used by small groups fighting against governments, the marketing concept was not applied by big companies initially. However, they are slowly embracing the trend.
It is true that the concept is not rampant among many users. But the million dollar question that has lingered on the minds of many users for years is how the best innovative methods can be achieved to foster this strategy. Ideally, there has never been any specific invention as to what idea suits this strategy. The main objective at all costs should be inventing something that will call to attention the target audience.
On top of your strategy, there must be a formidable advertisement to double up the chances of meeting the needed audience. It is key that an advert should be strategically placed so that every person it was intended to reach gets it without much ado. For this reason, many businesses put in as lofty as possible or somewhere that it will reach at the eye4e contact level so that it does not escape the attention n of many people.
The most provocative advertisements work well when placed high up in the sky on billboards, tall buildings all other elevated places. Of course, the advertisements should be big enough to ensure the message is passed along.
Advertisements on the ground are also effective because most people watch what they step on. This advertisement is beneficial and less of a hassle to make because they are usually small in size. This leads to less spending and lasting impression can be created using these advertisements. An example is optical illusions.
The advertisement placed on the level of the eye does not literally mean that they are at the very level of the yes. It simply means they are strategically placed at the level where people can touch and relate with them.With this kind of advertisement, an advertiser needs to be more creative so as to appeal to many people.
Consequently, you should have realized by now that there no real secret to developing an innovative idea on guerrilla marketing. All that is required is to think about your target audience and develop an idea that will appear outrageous to them or one that will resonate with them. Nevertheless, ensure that your idea is among the three options; eye level, on the ground or sky high.
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