If, like me you have spent any time around the gym then you will undoubtedly have heard the expression "No Pain, No Gain". All too often these four words are spouted out by fitness instructors and gym users alike and typifies the traditional kind of mindset required to build a great muscular physique and to get the most from your natural bodybuilding regimen.
It is an overused phrase that has sadly become a bit of a cliche. For the most part it's fairly innocent and a bit of fun but it can have serious consequences. In fact I would suggest that these four words have been responsible for more over training injuries than any other factor.
Now as we all know there is a huge difference between a serious nagging pain and the ache of satisfaction that you feel just after a workout, and as you become a more experienced lifter you will definitely be able to tell the difference. The bottom line however, is that pain is your body's way of making you aware that there could be a potential problem on the horizon, so it would make a tremendous amount of sense to listen to it.
Ignoring the warning signs is not only an incredibly stupid thing to do but it can result in a significant increase in the problem. What first starts out as a minor irritation could ultimately lead to a chronic over training injury that could plague you for years to come and could potentially put an end to your training plans.
If you start to feel any kind of pain at all then simply stop and investigate, take just a moment and make any adjustments that you feel may be necessary. More often than not it could be maybe just a minor flaw in technique or posture, or something just as easy to rectify and the problem will be solved.
Obviously any type of persistent sharp pain needs to be investigated fully, preferably with the help of a medical professional, but there are other, sometimes much less obvious symptoms you need to be aware of.
They are:
* Insomnia or a complete lack of energy
* Headaches
* Muscle Aches
* Appetite loss
* Complete loss of motivation
* A drop in performance
If you should find yourself experiencing any of these symptoms then take a step back and review your training plan. It is more than likely that you are over training. There is absolutely no reason for you to train 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, unless of course you are an ultra serious competitive natural bodybuilder, and even then you will have to factor in a couple of rest days. No, a good solid session 3-4 times a week with proper rest periods and good nutrition will get you the results you are looking for.
Don't forget:
Over training is counter- productive at best, and downright dangerous at worst. Think quality not quantity and try to eliminate the "No Pain No Gain" mindset from your training.
About the Author:
Looking to find the best tips and info on Bodybuilding And Health, then visit www.rippedandmuscular.com to find the best advice on Bodybuilding And Health and what the possible implications are for you.
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