Do you need to market your website? Article marketing is an excellent method to do so. What is article marketing? First you write a quality article about the business you are promoting on your website and then you submit it to article directories all over the web. When people read your articles they will know you are an expert and go to your website.
If you write an article that you have researched carefully and spent alot of time ensuring it was accurate and thorough any one reading that article is going to know you are an expert on that subject. That person is going to want to know more about you and your services or products and will have gained a trust in you as an expert.
Article marketing can be extremely powerful. When you write an article and submit it to article directories you will include a link back to your website. Many article directories will allow you to create backlinks within the article as well. You should take advantage of this opportunity. People will click on those links and find your website increasing the amount of traffic to your website.
As well as having people come to your website after reading your articles, you actually have a backlink in those directories will tells Google that your site is important. The more backlinks you have the more important you appear to Google and you raise up in the rankings.
In order to submit articles to a website you can search for article directories and submit manually or you can purchase a website submitter program such as Submiteze. These programs, and there are many out there, will submit advertisements to advertisement directories resulting in back links to your website and also send out articles to articles directories. Submissions go much quicker when you use a program. If your main focus is article submission using Unique Article Wizard has excellent features that provide for multiple articles being submitted, each worded slightly different but on the same subject.
One of the wonderful aspects of submitting articles to article directories is that over time your article is spread all over the web into other article directories. This happens automatically and your business will increase because of it.
The most important thing is not to stop at one article. Create many articles linking to different pages in your website. This will create traffic throughout your website. The more content on your website the better and linking to each of the pages separately through article marketing is a great way of getting your site out there and found.
On page SEO is also extremely important and ensuring your website has been optimized to its fullest should be done in conjunction with article marketing.
Keywords are tremendously important for your website as well. You need to understand what keywords are and how to use them on your website and in your articles in order to make the most of article marketing with article submission directories.
About the Author:
Register your articles at the best article directories and at these niche article directories.
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