The real advantage of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) was to avert the discomforts related to menopause. The symptoms such as hot flashes were considered to be averted by Hormone Replacement Therapy. Let us take both Hormone Replacement Therapy and Bioidentical Hormones into separate consideration.
Hormone Replacement Therapy is a kind of medical therapy that is used to treat symptoms of women after menopause or even pseudo menopausal symptoms in people who are transgender. The level of estrogen and progesterone hormones is less than the normal levels inside the body.
For years Hormone replacement therapy has been a major help in fighting the menopause related symptoms. This therapy has also been helpful in fighting against colon and rectum cancers as well as osteoporosis.
With the help of Hormone Replacement Therapy, a post menopausal woman gets her body kick-start the process of Reverse Cholesterol Transport (RTC). This is a process which does not let a woman accumulate cholesterol accumulate in her blood. This gives an anti-aging function to the HRT and therefore, it is really successful for reversing the effects of old-aging on a woman's muscles.
As per the conclusion drawn by the American Academy of Neurology in 2007, protection against dementia is only possible with the help of Hormone Replacement therapy. Furthermore, women who do not undergo the hormone replacement therapy are at a 70% more risk of developing dementia.
Hormone replacement therapy is also said to prevent post menopausal women from heart diseases and heart attacks as per a random control trial study. Menopause is one of the key areas for HRT. However, it is also advised for women who face premature ovarian failure as a therapy and also for women who have undergone Hysterectomy and have surgical menopause.
Bioidentical Hormones are one of the major forms of hormone replacement therapy. These hormones have exactly similar molecular structure to the actual hormones produced by female body. It was a widespread belief that Bioidentical hormones have added benefits as they are naturally produced. However, recent studies have proved that the benefits of both these forms of hormones are almost the same for women. But Bioidentical hormones are still a hot case for research and hopefully it will have some added benefits as compared to synthetic hormones.
Women who are facing menopausal symptoms have benefitted immensely from hormone replacement therapy and Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy but there are underlying risks also. Women who wish to undertake this therapy must be aware of all the risks and benefits. Women using hormone replacement therapy will usually not face any adverse effects if they are using it for a short period of time.
About the Author:
Are you looking for bio hormone replacement therapy information? Always go for qualified doctors for andropause treatment through testosterone replacement
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