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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Statement on Pension Backdrop Lawsuit

For Immediate Release                                                                                               
DATE: April 3, 2013
Contact: Brendan Conway, Communications Director
414.278.5281 Office
Twitter: @MkeCoExecPress


Statement on Pension Backdrop Lawsuit

MILWAUKEE – Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele released the following statement today about the lawsuit filed against Abele’s reform of the pension backdrop.

“I’m disappointed the unions are fighting to save the outrageous backdrop that has cost Milwaukee County taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars and has put a strain on our ability to provide critical services.
I fought hard for this reform because it will save taxpayers millions of dollars. Instead of suing to stop this, I invite the unions to work with us to move Milwaukee County forward.”

The County has already made over $200 million in payments under the decade old backdrop benefit, and will likely pay another $100 million before it is through, but Abele’s reform lessens the blow to taxpayers. The plan freezes the backdrop benefit for employees who are eligible to retire and eliminates it for workers who are backdrop eligible but not able to retire.

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